Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Bird Brain: Robin and Mabel

This is a bird brain I did of my sister and her daughter...I
am taking custom orders for your own bird brains! Obviously it's not going to look like you, but I can do a representation of you...hair, beauty mark...that sort of thing.


Robin said...

I love it.

Oh, My Darling said...

Hi there! I just found your illustrations on etsy and simply love them (especially burger love and bird on stripes). I was wondering if you might be interested in becoming an advertiser/sponsor on my blog, as your aesthetic fits mine so perfectly! It could be an opportunity to regularly reach my blog audience (681 google friend connect followers, and 540 google reader subscribers).

If this sounds potentially interesting to you, please send me an email (omydarlingblog-at-gmail-dot-com). If not, I'm sorry to bug you and thanks for your time!

Krister said...

Since I can't contact you any other way I'll go ahead and do it here. I live in Sweaden and would like to buy some of your work if they are for sale. Please contact me here: krister[at]infrakultur.se

Sincerely yours


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