Monday, March 16, 2009

Only 4 more days...

I can't believe it's almost here, but in four short days I will be saying goodbye to Indianapolis. Indy has it's charms, but I have to say I'll be glad to start fresh in Kentucky! It's really perfect...I'm only an hour and a half away from my family, but I will be just far enough that everything is new and interesting. I've lived in other states and one of the things I love about arriving in a new town are the little things. Finding the grocery store, (there is a Whole Foods in my new neighborhood!!!!) finding the post office, finding your new favorite restaurants. Just getting use to your new surroundings. I'm also looking forward to having more of a small town feel. Unfortunately the crime rate in Indy seems to be skyrocketing and frankly I'm looking forward to not hearing about murders on the news everyday! Today's news was some SOB who murdered a baby by beating her to death because she "disrespected him". How does an 18 month old baby disrespect you!!!!

Sorry...not the ending I was looking for and I'm sure Kentucky has it's fair share of nut jobs, but in the words of her majesty Martha....I think this is going to be "a good thing".

Here of some photos of Indy I've taken over the last few years, just so you know that aside from the murder rate it really is a pretty city!


Anonymous said...

Where are you headed in Kentucky? I've lived in Louisville and Lexington. I really liked Louisville so I am guessing that is your destination if you are an hour and a half away.

The Dream Queen said...

Hi Tiffany! I put my reply on your blog...

Amo said...

You wanted a small town live in Greenwood!?!? You weirdo.

I thought you moved LAST weekend?! Are you coming Saturday?

The Dream Queen said...

You are a nerd...I'm two stop lights from Indianapolis and Greenwood is metro with 50,000 peeps...not exactly small town.

I'm moving this weekend...My mom and sissy will be there, but I will be up with a quickness to see little AJ!


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