Monday, September 20, 2010

Pottery, Lemon Poppy Seed Muffins, and AWESOME Garage Sale Find

First off I want to say that this post is pretty much some pictures and captions because the boy and I went to The Paula Deen Buffet today and well....we are pretty much on fried food/butter/country food / SWEAT TEA (yes even though I hate sweat tea I had to do it right) overload...lots of pics to come and a full review of the carnage in the next day or soon as I've recuperated!

As promised, here is the results of my second pottery class. Sort of a fun little fat bird. I used stamps to make the pattern and a balloon is used to get the body shape.

Lemon Poppy Seed Muffins...a la Betty Crocker...pretty good for a quick morning muffin fix.

This is my awesome garage sale find! $3...that's right a three bones...three bucks...three green backs...I don't know what it costs regular, but I know it's a lot more than $3.


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