Monday, June 8, 2009

Summer Strawberries & Quilts on Clothes Lines

I have a love hate relationship with summer. The hate is the muggy humidity...heat I can handle it's the danged old humidity. I live in Kentucky now, I figure it's OK to say danged. On the other hand, there is being able to line dry laundry (like the beautiful quilt my mom made me). There is watching the vegetables in the garden grow. My tomato's are getting big (I'll update you soon on garden smack down). Then there are strawberries. Strawberries, lovely strawberries. The ultimate food. Strawberry pie, strawberry jam, strawberry juice, strawberry ice cream, strawberries with cereal, on french toast, with vanilla pudding or just sliced up on pb&j (strawberry jam of course...try it, it's great...also sprinkle some cashews on the peanut butter!). Sometimes I buy them out of season and doctor them or put them in a smoothie and those are OK, but nothing, NOTHING, can compare to in season fresh strawberries. I've started with one plant and tomorrow it's going to go in the ground. It took me awhile to figure out where to place her since I fully intend to plant more. Trying to figure out where the strawberry patch would be best since we have a lot of shade so I think it's gong to eventually border the vegetable garden (once I get a picket fence around it) but one thing at a time.
One thing at a time.


Renee said...

The quilt is amazing. Your Mom did such a fabulous job.

I think of the last picture in my dreams as me because the inflammatory breast cancer showed up in my right breast.

Mind you our bodies are a tad different, since I am 217 pounds and 5 feet tall.

Renee xoxo

The Dream Queen said...

Renee, I wondered if that was why you chose it. It's a great choice. It reminded me of a painting we studied in college, not so much the subject, but the color, the style. I love paintings of that era because they have so much story with them. Thanks for stopping by!

Hill upon Hill said...

Your pictures are great. Trying to get to your sister's blog, but I can't access it right now, will keep trying.


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